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在日常生活中,我们经常会询问天气情况,常用句型如下:What's the weather like …? ……天气如何?How is the weather …? ……天气如何?Nice/Bad day (weather), isn't it? 天气不错/很糟糕,是吧?It's a nice/bad day, isn't it? 今天天气不错/很糟糕,是吧?需要注意的是,What's the weather like …?和How is the weather …?


此外Nice/Bad day (weather), isn't it?和It's a nice/bad day, isn't it? 所表达的意思也相同,即“天气不错/很糟,是吧?”

Example:—What's the weather like in your hometown? 你家乡天气如何?—It's warm all the year round. 一年四季都很暖和。Example:—How is the weather in Newcastle? 纽卡斯尔的天气如何?—It rains all the time. 那儿总是下雨。Example:—Nice day, isn't it? 天儿不错,是吧?

—Yes, it is. 是啊。Example:—It is a bad day, isn't it? 天很糟糕,是吧?—Yes, it is. The wind blows too strong. 是啊,风刮得太大了。
