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念奴娇·赤壁怀古 苏轼 大江东去, 浪淘尽, 千古风流人物。 故垒西边, 人道是、 三国周郎赤壁。 乱石穿空, 惊涛拍岸, 卷起千堆雪。 江山如画, 一时多少豪杰! 遥想公瑾当年, 小乔初嫁了, 雄姿英发。 羽扇纶巾, 谈笑间、 樯橹灰飞烟灭。 故国神游, 多情应笑我, 早生华发。 人生如梦, 一尊还酹江月。

念奴嬌 赤壁懷古

宋 蘇軾

大江東のかた去り浪淘に盡く 千古風流の人物

故壘の西邊 人道ふは是れ三國周郎の赤壁

亂石は空を穿ち 驚淘は岸を拍ち 卷き起こす千堆の雪

江山は畫の如し 一時の豪傑多少ぞ

遙かに想ふ公瑾の當年小喬初めて嫁ぎ了り 雄姿は英發たり

羽扇綸巾 談笑の間 檣櫓は灰飛び煙滅す

故國に神遊す 多情應に我を笑ふべし早くも華髮生じたり

人生は夢の如し 一樽(そん)もて江月に還(ま)た酹がん

The Charms of Niannu Su Shi The waves of the mighty river flowing eastward Have swept away the brilliant figures of a thousand generations. West of the old fortress, So people say, is Lord Zhou's Red Cliff in the time of the Three Kingdoms. The tumbling rocks thrust into the air; The roaring surges dash upon the shore, Rolling into a thousand drifts of snow. The River and the mountains make a vivid picture— What a host of heroes once were! And I recall the young Lord then, Newly married to the fair younger Qiao, His valorous features shown forth; With a feather fan and a silken cap Amid talking and laughing he put his enemy's ships to ashes and smoke. While my thoughts wander in the country of old, Romantic persons might smile at my early grey hair. Ah, life is but like a dream; With a cup of wine, let me yet pour a libation to the moon on the river.