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Now, her attention may be invasive to you You may even feel that she doesn't give you enough personal space and time, or give you face in front of your friends

官宣有男友的唯美说说_官宣已有男友的说说古风  第1张


When it comes to the relationship between men and women, don't expect women to make a big show of love to you


Rather than wait, observe her behavior

官宣有男友的唯美说说_官宣已有男友的说说古风  第2张

毕竟,一个想被你挑剔的女人 不会控制自己。

After all, a woman who wants to be picky won't control herself


Today, many women are beautiful on the surface As long as they know more, they will feel desolate and dissatisfied at all

官宣有男友的唯美说说_官宣已有男友的说说古风  第3张

而那些与虚伪同行的人,永远不会到达幸福的彼岸,也不会感受到 执子之手,与子偕老 的美好。

Those who walk with hypocrisy will never reach the other side of happiness, nor will they feel the beauty of holding their son's hand and growing old with their son


Most men like a woman of this age and want to take her home and treat her well

官宣有男友的唯美说说_官宣已有男友的说说古风  第4张


When pursuing a woman, start with the subject If she doesn't resist and then let go of the pursuit, nine times out of ten she will succeed


Think about the years you had to go through, the days when you were rejected, discouraged, despised and despised when you were young