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译 典2022.1.26 第583期

念奴娇过洞庭翻译全文(念奴娇过洞庭翻译朗读)  第1张 贺新郎·往事沪上



黄浦桥头水,摄不尽、百年风景,中西情思。彩色电车叮当响,闪过轻眉靓痣。是广告、巡游城市。落地窗前梧桐语,正晚秋、深巷斜阳里。有几栋,红房子。 行人曾问当年址。怯生生、门中少女,怎知前事。扑扑清眸如旧识,恍惚今非昨是。老饼坊、豆糕香未?同是异乡人错位,漫相望、影兑千帆外。疏钟打,海潮起。 2000年独孤食肉兽,本名曾峥,生于武昌,武汉大学毕业。力倡并践行“现代城市诗词”,著有《格律摇滚Y2K》《独孤食肉兽诗词编年集》(载《21世纪新锐吟家诗词编年(第二辑)》等。

Solitary Carnivore, whose original name is Zeng Zheng, born in Wuchang, graduated from Wuhan University, an advocator and practitioner of “Modern Urban Poetry”. His publications include Rhythmical Rock Y2K and Chronology of Solitary Carnivore’s Poems included in A Chronicle of New Edge Poets in the 21st Century (Volume 2).

念奴娇过洞庭翻译全文(念奴娇过洞庭翻译朗读)  第2张

Bygones in Shanghai—In the Tune of Congratulating the BridegroomBy Solitary CarnivoreTr. ZHAO Yanchun and KUANG YiwenMy mom was born in Newgate of Yellow Shoal. She used to live on Sandferry Road before going to middle school in Wuhan where she married my father. When my father attended school in Shanghai, he looked for the location several times. My mom recalled the old residence located beside Shaliwen bakery, and I went there as mentioned in the second stanza.

The bridge overlooks Yellow Shoal;

Too many to shoot: centennial attractions, with an east-and-west soul.

Tinkling, there comes a colored trolley,

With brows graceful and a mole pretty.

Lo, it’s an ad, running through the city.

Chinese parasols the French window sweep;

In late autumn, in twilight, the alleys deep,

Lo, scarlet mansions, therein a few peep.

I ask about the location of yore;

Bashful and timid, the lass at the doorway, old stories can't know more.

Her clear eyes remind me of someone else;

Who used to be here no longer dwells.

The green bean pastry, good as always it smells?

We strangers far away from home reside;

A glance cast around, in silhouette stand out the sails.

There jingles a bell; there rises the tide.


念奴娇过洞庭翻译全文(念奴娇过洞庭翻译朗读)  第3张

念奴娇过洞庭翻译全文(念奴娇过洞庭翻译朗读)  第4张译者简介:

赵彦春,博士生导师,上海大学翻译研究出版主任,国际学术期刊Translating China主编,国际汉学与教育研究会会长、传统文化翻译与国际传播专业委员会会长、中国先秦史学会国学双语研究会执行会长、中国语言教育研究会副会长。


ZHAO Yanchun, Professor of English at Shanghai University, Director of Shanghai University Center for Translation and Publishing, Editor of Translating China, President of International Sinology and Education Society, President of Chinese Culture Translation and International Promotion Committee, Executive President of Chinese Classics Bilinguals’ Association, Vice President of China Language Education Association.

KUANG Yiwen, Ph.D. candidate at Shanghai University, specializes in the translation ofChinese culture.




本期作者: 独孤食肉兽




本期排版:曼 曼

《李凭箜篌引》P’ing Li’s Harp Ballad《锦瑟》The Lute《散天花·乡梦》To the Tune of Fairies Scattering Flowers《南乡子·看电视直播角马群迁徙横渡肯尼亚马拉河》To the Tune of Song of the Southerner《元日别友》Seeing Off My Friend on New Year’s Day《燕歌行并序》A Swallow Song with a Preface《江城子·乙卯正月二十日夜记梦》To the Tune of The Rivertown《羊角村即景》An Impromptu of Ram Horn Village《即景》An Impromptu《苏武慢 · 寒夜闻角》To the Tune of Su Wu’s Slow《游园【皂罗袍】》To the Tune of Silk Gown《无衣》No Clothes《清明游百瑞谷》A Visit to All-Bliss Dale on Pure Brightness Day《念奴娇 · 过洞庭》 A Visit to Lake Cavehall《杜陵怀古》Reminiscing the Past at Birchleaf Pear Ridge《决绝》Resoluteness《城郊小站》A Bus Stop at the Suburb《桂枝香 · 金陵怀古》A Bus Stop at the Suburb《登岳阳楼》Climbing Yüehshine Tower《浣溪沙·漫步二沙岛江边》To the Tune of Yarn Washing《中秋民宿记》My Homestay at Mid-Autumn Festival《庚子岁终路遇阿翁》Coming Across an Old Uncle at the End of 2020念奴娇过洞庭翻译全文(念奴娇过洞庭翻译朗读)  第5张编辑:王傲霏, 二审:曼曼,终审:金石开

念奴娇过洞庭翻译全文(念奴娇过洞庭翻译朗读)  第6张