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狗和狼(Dogs and wolves)



A dog thought he was strong and fast, so he ran after a Wolf with all his might. After all, the dog's heart is still a little afraid, sometimes evasive. The Wolf turned to him and said, "You are not terrible. The master behind you is terrible when he attacks me."

Moral: Satirize those who are arrogant.

嘴里衔肉的狗(A dog with meat in its mouth)



A dog with a piece of meat in its mouth was about to cross the river. Seeing its own reflection in the river, it thought that it was another dog carrying a bigger piece of meat. So it threw away its own meat and went to grab a bigger piece of meat.

Moral: that people should be content, do not "eat the bowl, watch the pot" for some things do not blindly believe, teach people not to be greedy.
